Star: Angelina Jolie is allegedly spending time with her old costar Jared Leto?

Embed from Getty Images Ever since Angelina Jolie suddenly dropped divorce papers on Brad Pitt in 2016, weve been hearing various stories about how shes hooking up with this guy or that random, unnamed British billionaire or an LA real estate broker or whatever. Id be willing to bet that Angelinas romantic life has been

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Ever since Angelina Jolie suddenly dropped divorce papers on Brad Pitt in 2016, we’ve been hearing various stories about how she’s hooking up with this guy or that random, unnamed British billionaire or an LA real estate broker or whatever. I’d be willing to bet that Angelina’s romantic life has been very quiet in the past two years. I could see her having discreet little hotel hookups with a man she trusts, but she’s not out there, looking for a new boyfriend or husband. I would think that after three divorces, she would have gotten all of that out of her system. I’m not saying she should close up shop romantically, just that I don’t think a relationship is any kind of priority for her. But, as I said, tabloids and gonna tabloid. Star Magazine (via Gossip Cop) claims that Jolie’s old Alexander costar Jared Leto has been sniffing around:

According to Star, Angelina Jolie has been leaning on her Girl, Interrupted and Alexander co-star, who she’s been wrongly linked to in the past. An alleged insider tells the magazine, “Jared reached out to Angie a few weeks ago about a movie he’s cowriting, which he’d like her to star in, and the pair started spending time together – initially as friends, but things turned romantic after Angie realized she had strong feelings.”

The supposed source further contends that Leto has been “supporting her emotionally, and she says it’s because of him that she’s not broken down.” The tipster adds, “Jared’s practically moved into Angie’s house, and he’s been staying there on and off for the last couple of months.”

The source says Jolie’s six kids have seen Leto around the house, but “they just think he’s a good friend” of their mom. The suspicious insider adds, “Angie doesn’t want to put anything else on their plates, but she’s hoping that as soon as the divorce is finalized, they can go public with their relationship.”

[From Gossip Cop]

Gossip Cop goes on to say they spoke to a “source close to Jolie” who denies the story and repeats the claim that she’s not looking to get involved with anyone right now. So why are we even talking about this? I have several reasons, actually. One, I love looking up vintage-y photos. Two, this Alexander-era of Angelina Jolie was one of her prettiest – she looked absolutely flawless circa 2003-04. Three, I love vintage gossip, and let me tell you… the gossip around the Alexander set was EXTREME. From what I remember, all of the dudes on that film were vying for Angelina’s attention, from Val Kilmer to Colin Farrell to Jared Leto to Oliver Stone. I remember reading that the pursuits were so strong, she had to change hotels to avoid some of the guys. I also remember this: she ended up developing a thing with… Colin Farrell. NOT Jared Leto. Colin and Angelina spent a lot of time together. Which brings me back to my initial thought – Angelina might be doing the discreet hotel hookups with men she’s known for a while. I’d be willing to bet that Farrell is a more likely candidate than Jared Leto.

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