So are Alexander Skarsgard & Ellen Page really fooling around or what?

First: OMG. OMG OMG OMG. How incredible is this magazine cover? Like, Alexander Skarsgard is good-looking, for sure, but Ive gotten used to seeing him look kind of dirtbaggy in his ill-fitting pants and grungy shirts so when I see him with proper lighting and hes making sweet love the camera its incredible. Skarsgard has

First: OMG. OMG OMG OMG. How incredible is this magazine cover? Like, Alexander Skarsgard is good-looking, for sure, but I’ve gotten used to seeing him look kind of dirtbaggy in his ill-fitting pants and grungy shirts so when I see him with proper lighting and he’s making sweet love the camera… it’s incredible. Skarsgard has just made it back on my list!!! Anyway, this cover from Man of the World (more like VIKING DONG of the World) is all we have – no other photos from this editorial, and no interviews!

Alex is gearing up the ol’ press machine these days because of True Blood’s Season 6 and because of The East, which comes out in May. Alex was just in Austin, Texas for SXSW to premiere The East with the cast. You know this is the film he did with Ellen Page, right? And he and Ellen got along so well that they either started dating (side-eye) or they just became friends. Anyway, the Ellen thing was like a dozen rumored girlfriends ago, except that because they were just seen together at SXSW, new rumors are percolating. Ellen tweeted these photos of their partying in Austin:

If I’m just judging their couple status on the photos, I’m saying they are actually hitting it. Something about the way she’s leaning into him… something about the way he playfully bites her. Mmm. Did anyone just need to cross their legs? Yeah. Besides that, it looks like Alex and Ellen took the same flight back to LA together, and Alex carried Ellen’s bags for her at LAX – see those photos here. This prompted The Mail to declare that Ellen is Alex’s “girlfriend”. Ugh. I mean, maybe. Could be.

While at SXSW, Alex and the cast of The East did a fun little piece together with Entertainment Weekly, where they basically let EW hang out with them “backstage” – you can read the full piece here. Alex is described by his coworkers as “low-key” with “mellow charm”. When the cast arrived at the theater premiering their film, all of the people waiting wanting to see Alex, and he thoughtfully worked his way through the line of fans, “accepting hugs, signed autographs, taking pictures with young women who had driven into town from Dallas and Houston.” During the premiere, “Only Skarsgard stayed for the movie, watching his nude scenes like a grown up, without flinching or smirking.” At the end of the SXSW extravaganza, Alex told EW: “This feels like a vacation. It’s hectic but I’m with some of my best friends and I get to talk about a movie that I’m so passionate about. I get to hang out with these people and they’re so f—ing amazing.”

Photos courtesy of Man of the World, Ellen Page’s Twitter, Fame/Flynet.

