Teen Moms Farrah Abraham gets $21k in plastic surgery, calls her new face worth it

You can add Teen Mom Farrah Abraham to the list of reality show starlets who opted for plastic surgery makeovers when their fame was waning. (I think that list includes Heidi Montag, obviously, Vienna from The Bachelor, just about every Teen Mom whos had a boob job, and Bristol Palin.) Farrah got a boob job

You can add Teen Mom Farrah Abraham to the list of reality show starlets who opted for plastic surgery makeovers when their fame was waning. (I think that list includes Heidi Montag, obviously, Vienna from The Bachelor, just about every Teen Mom who’s had a boob job, and Bristol Palin.) Farrah got a boob job a while ago and was pretty proud to show them off. She recently dropped an additional $16,000 on a chin implant which she didn’t need and a rhinoplasty, the verdict for which is still out. I think her face looked better before and she has a very fake look now that ages her well beyond her 21 years. It would be sad if she was a likable person at all, but I found her whiny and annoying on Teen Mom. She’s young, she can change, but this is a pretty good look into her priorities. On the bright side maybe she paid for the surgeries by selling her story to In Touch. Here’s more:

After a double procedure — rhinoplasty and a chin implant — and $21,000 spent on three plastic surgeries by the young age of 21, the former Teen Mom cast member tells In Touch, “I finally feel gorgeous.”

21-year-old Teen Mom Farrah Abraham exclusively reveals her new face only in In Touch after going under the knife for two procedures: rhinoplasty and a chin implant.

“I’ve hated my nose since I was 13,” the single mom, who had her first plastic surgery procedure, a breast augmentation, in 2010, tells In Touch. Now, after her latest surgery — performed Oct. 7 in Bal Harbour, Fla., by Dr. Michael Salzhauer, Farrah says she’s thrilled with the results. “I don’t have to hate anything on my face ever again,” she says. “I feel gorgeous!”

And even after spending a total of $21,000 on altering her body ($16,000 on her face and $5,000 on her breasts) Farrah tells In Touch she has no regrets: “I hate that my surgeries cost this much, but it was worth it.”

“There was pain,” admits Farrah, although she insists she “wasn’t insecure” before the surgeries. “But it was very worth it.”

See more before-and-after surgery pics of Farrah and more stars who look like they’ve gone under the knife in this week’s issue of In Touch, on newsstands now!

[From In Touch]

Maybe her face will settle, because right now it looks really puffy and weird. In Touch has a profile view of Farrah before and after, and she had a strong chin before. I don’t know why she got a chin implant, it looks bizarre and fake to me.

Here’s what she looked like before: [via Wetpaint]

And of course after:

Apart from the fake bake, I do think she looked better before. I’m not buying that she didn’t do anything to her eyes, either. Her eyes look strange and like they’re sitting differently on her face. I’d like to see more photos though. In reaction to this story I could do a lot of hemming and hawing about why young girls do this to themselves, and how they’re stuck with these new faces for the rest of their lives. In my time we just got regrettable tattoos, and we had the foresight not to get them on our faces or necks. In Farrah’s case I don’t really consider her a cause worth fretting over. I hope her daughter is ok and well cared for, though. Farrah’s mom is a nasty piece of work.

Another before photo:

These photos are from 9-11-12 and are possibly after her nose job and chin implant. What the hell is she wearing?

Photo credit: In Touch and WENN.com

